Elevate Transformation Coaching


Tafadzwa Makombe CA (SA)

Certified Transformation Life Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Author, Social Entrepreneur, Chartered Accountant and Humanitarian

My name is Tafadzwa but you can call me Taffy. After studying hard for four years at the University of Cape Town and then qualifying as a Chartered Accountant I got retrenched from my corporate job at the end of 2017. This is when I realized that life is too short for me to work a job that doesn’t fulfill me and where I felt I never made a difference all for the sake of of “security” because in today’s economy even permanent jobs are not permanent so I might as well do what I love!

I have always had a passion for empowering and changing people’s lives, mindsets and beliefs which have resulted in their lives being radically transformed and manifesting the life that they desire. In 2018 my soul searching lead me to life coaching. I took part in Transformation Life Coaching and it aided me in empowering myself to start my own businesses and overcome a physically abusive relationship which left me physically scarred for 4 months. 

I used to constantly have  feelings of emptiness, purposelessness and constant disappointment but today I am the master of my life and I live a balanced and vibrantly healthy life. The best part of my day is helping and guiding my clients to master their lives in all areas, whether it is relationships, wealth, career, depression, anxiety and most important, spirituality.

I achieved the life I life now by mastering myself first and then becoming the best version of who I am and I would love to help guide you to become the best version of yourself because that is where all the light resides that will make this world a better place.

I do not like being called a Life Coach but rather a Transformation Life Coach. I am not here to cheer you through life but my role will be for me to coach you through my programme which eliminates your limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and about the world that hold you back from achieving your desired outcomes and goals in life and then I replace them with new, positive and empowering beliefs.

I look forward to meeting you.